Dear Raul, I often have a problem to figure out in what way you are questioning my opinions or abilities, because of the language barrier. In this case, it seems you are saying that I am incapable of discerning what are to you and some others obvious issues with the Viv Float tonearm, because I don't have a "test proved process" to use as a basis for comparison. Based on your past statements, going all the way back to the MM thread, I gather that you worked very hard to develop ways to test new equipment or program material by training yourself as a listener. To my knowledge, you don't actually use test instruments to collect data, and you don't do a formal analysis of yours or anyone else's data to draw conclusions. In the end, you rely upon your trained ears. Perhaps you are exposed to quantitative analysis in some cases through your association with Jose'. If so, I don't recall your ever bringing such information to Audiogon Forums. All that said, and even assuming you are a better "listener" than I am, you have no experience with any underhung tonearm, so far as I know. I have made the empirical observation that the Viv Float tonearm (and the RS-A1) sounds "good", better than one might ever expect based on theory as we have come to know modern tonearm theory. And in some respects, the Viv is revealing in ways that other tonearms do not often achieve. I have made no claim that the Viv is "the best" tonearm or that it is even "better" than good pivoted tonearms with overhang. My 45 years of experience as a bench scientist tell me that when one gets a surprising result in an experiment, it is time to pay attention to those surprising data, because understanding what happened can sometimes lead to important alteration of one's belief system. Here I am merely trying to understand why the Viv sounds so good with a variety of cartridges. Since you have never heard it, you have no status in this discussion. We all know in what ways it defies convention. That does not explain its goodness. Meantime, you are welcome to read the discussion here, such as it is, but your criticism of my qualifications adds nothing. At least I own and listen to the tonearm you so dislike, probably without ever having seen one in the flesh.
As to your inference that I cannot be a MUSIC lover, that's insulting. So I see that you took your usual tack at the end of your post which is to suggest that my shortcomings are not my fault; they are merely due to a defecive "process". Anyway, I posit that anyone who listens to music every day or plays an instrument, and who attends live concerts, and who says he or she is a music lover, IS a music lover. Most music lovers stay away from this Forum for good reason.