Finally arrived !!

My journey has come to an end and I could not be happier.

I am lucky to own now two systems, the "big" one and the "small" one from Crimson/Tocaro.

While the "small" system has obviously not the capabilities of the "big" one, I would not miss anything getting old with just the "small" one, it is THAT good, and the "big" one is hard to describe other than it plays music (vs. making sounds).

(I am particularly fuzzy with boomy bass and shrill heights and mids not sounding like the instruments/voices. The Crimson/Tocaro has to be experienced to be believed. And yes, I heard it all - all the big and "mighty" hi-end brands - and nothing plays music like my combos).

This is the latest gen Crimson 880 and the latest gen Tocaro 50F
The last picture are Crimson 640eIV and Tocaro 40F

The Dac is a Mytek and the current source is a HQPlayer based on Win Server 2019 (running on 15w) and the NAA also Server 2019 at 5w, all with good power supplies and some UpTone goodies.
(While I am not active on this forum, you find my on audiophilestyle as mops911 ;-) )











Must sound very good, because I don't think that you bought it for looks. 

See the picture above TV? Thats a Seftel
No music system ever looks good, as it also should not really aspire to do it...If I want something good looking I buy art. If it should sound good, I buy a music system. Pretty binary and non-compromising ;-)

@bobheinatz if you are in Dallas or Santa Fe let me know ;-)

But yeah, this speaker/electronic combo is final for me. Again, I listen to it all and thats by FAR the best music, actual music I ever heard in any system at any price.

But yes, I tinker with the digital frontend for fun, but thats it. Not that there is much benefit anymore, but because its fun to tinker. And when the new Uptone EtherRegen will come out, I will get it too ...

Forgot, for the big stereo, I will install a dedicated line. 300ft from main transformer and distribution into 14 wall outlets. All single core as all my cables just sounds cleaner ;-) and more real (The small stereo has a dedicated line already).

These both systems make me regularly cry in a sense that they bring emotions out. How can it get better, every second I listen I am just amazed how REAL is sounds. Thats not a feeling which wanes...but I know from previous systems, that it is never good enough, like a drug...but as the title says, I arrived!

I am a bit confused.  What are all those pieces on the rack that look exactly the same?  Looks to be 12 of them plus a controller on the other rack? What are they, what do they do and what is the brand?