Best RCA interconnect up to ~$100?

Looking for the best preamp to amp rca interconnect. I don't have experience with many cables. Need help. Thank you.


A third vote for DH Labs interconnects. I got 2 pairs of used 1-meter DH Labs BL-1 Series 2 interconnects for $75 total off of eBay. One of my best audio buys ever. 

The DH Labs interconnects seem good. I need 6’ (2 meter) pair currently $220 on ebay. I’ll keep my eye out. Thanks

AudioQuest Golden Gate are around $140.00.  Have a pair coming today for my new Mofi Turntable coming next week.  I have read good things about those cables.  We will see I guess. They have to be better than the 20.00 cables I have laying around right?