Tube amp to drive Dali ms5

So body help me.Thanks
I have a friend who runs his Dali Helicon 400MK2 with an
Audio Research VS 115. This combo is very nice and I would
have no trouble recommending it. The 400MK2 and MS5 seem to
have similar specs so it could be an option worth exploring.

Good luck
If the Dalis have as flat an impedance curve as suggested (as the Megalines do) that will help with the use of a tube amp.

None of our customers have reported any feedback (we have excellent feedback on the Megalines) so I am only going by the numbers on their website. 86 db is pretty inefficient, but if they are being conservative and stating their numbers (89 db, 2.83V/1 meter + 4 ohm impedance= 86db 1 watt/1 meter) from the bottom of their curve, the speaker may be easier to drive than their website suggests. A lot of course depends on the room and listening habits!