Is Goertz still the choice for Magnepan?

I was inspired by the thread "Goertz still the choice with Vandersteen" and decided to start this one. In the past, it seemed that Goertz speaker cables were pretty popular with Maggies. Is that still the case? Has anyone gone from Goertz to something else with their Maggies and not regret it? What other moderately priced cables should today's Magnepan owners consider?
Harmonically richer, more coherent, better soundstage and bass .Things Maggies need.
Schubert, good info which is much appreciated, but I actually meant what cables did the Analysis Plus cables beat. Sorry, I should have been more clear!
I have used a pair of 10' Kimber 8TCs for years on 2 different pairs of Maggies, MMGs and 1.7s. I am very happy with the sound of my system. My amp is a Mac MC275 version V.

Best, Fred
Ketchup,Morrow SP4, Goert M2,Audio Art SC-5, MI CVT-2 + Avt 2,Groenburg, DNM, ZU Mission + Libtec , Mapleshade and a dozen more I disremember .