Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


Breaking in a new pair of Monitor Audio Platinum 200 3G speakers. Connected to Pass Labs equipment and a VPI classic turntable, this combination has begun to satisfy my search for musical narvana.  I find myself smiling as they fill my listening room with music. I’m pleased…


@skinzy hhhhmmmm, No speakers at all, frankly.  Be too busy with other bucket stuff....;)

@waytoomuchstuff ....*G*  Running that as of now with my bookshelf versions...

They don't mind it, but the sub wants to get in on the act...so I've dialed up the crossover....*bliss out time*

That's better....gets one into the 'roll' of the harmonics....


.............ad infinitum......

*!*  ...well.....that fried the day.....punched in the monks on a loop @ noon 11/7...

I'll remember that routine if I have to follow thru with @skinzy s' thought, but will save it for the last week.....;)

....bruises on my head 'n shoulders from the spouse trying to get me out of my Zone......😒🙄

Changing houses makes me change speakers. My end game speakers become unsatisfactory as the room they are in changes. 

I've given up believing that I can build the ultimate end game rig. I've embraced the reality that swaps and upgrades are part of the journey. I love it! 

Here's a video of a woman with a million dollar system. Listen to her talk about it- she's not satisfied yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJGnDSa71VE