The most dynamic & transparent bookshelf

I get it when I hear some speakers like Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary, they are musical, detailed, but not on extreme dynamic, it can go pretty low and loud, but still lack a bit more powerful punch. My next aim for powerful speakers, will be something near perfect immune to distortions, must be extreme dynamic, go very loud and does not make the sound quality collapsed, also I insist to stick with bookshelf size, few options in my mind:

Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 (with NrT upgrade, worth?)
Mark&Daniel Ruby
Dynaudio DM 2/8
Proac Response D2
Soundfield Audio Monitor 1

For Dynaudio and Mark&Daniel, I have concern on power and drive efficiency, though I'm using a Class D Audio SDS-400C power amp, it work damn good with my Denton (warm + transparent gear goes really well). My considerations based on factors in this order: price, near full range dynamic, neutral and transparent sonic quality, availability (as I'm from Malaysia, not easy to achieve those speakers), and last your opinions? Any other recommendations? Once again, I'm not looking for speakers with colorations, must extremely dynamic, dead neatral and transparent without snake oil!
AllegroSound: Actually I can buy higher power model, which will double the powers, but do you think the Denton will work under so much power, can enlighten me? Also is Denton need so much power like 300 watts?
Actually I can buy higher power model, which will double the powers, but do you think the Denton will work under so much power, can enlighten me? Also is Denton need so much power like 300 watts?

NO, you cannot use a higher power amp with the Denton speaker.
hmm, I think so, the Denton definitely has limitation, I guess I can only play it at sweet volume, though the bass is nothing but impressive by it's own. Hmm, so I need to look for higher sensitivity speakers, with amazing soundstage, imaging, details, and accuracy. It seems I got few to be added into the short list include:

Grand Teton Gen2 (this should be my only choice, in most aspects)
Legacy Audio Studio HD (anybody can comment on this?)
Wharfedale Jade 3 (those can get it at good price, but too big for me, also need special stand for this)
GoldenEar Aon 3 (price pretty close and still affordable)
KEF R300 (actually not cheap in my country)
Sonist Concerto 2 (wow, this got 95db sensitivity, pretty high)
Clearwave Resolution 6 (used pair, still not cheap)

and few others which I'm not affordable:
Speaker Art Super Clef (owner is low profile, hmm...)
Reference 3A MM de Capo BE Monitor (high price product)
Joseph Audio Pulsar (neverland OR dreamland only)

Thanks guys!
Unlike most stand mounted loudspeakers, which uses two drivers,the R300 is a full 3 way design. The benefits are superior midrange transparency and dynamics. Moreover the tweeter is located in the acoustic centre of the midrange driver for better phase response and coherence. The end result is an a loudspeaker with excellent transparency and precise imaging. It sounds really good.
"Zd, there is no need to split hairs. I don't disagree that these can cause minor differences, but since the power/sensitivity is a logarithmic relationship, they will not be significant to the basic calculations. Yes, room placement can increase certain frequencies, but that is a tonal balance issue, not an overall volume issue."

Maybe we are splitting hairs. I don't argue the basic facts that you present, just how important other factors are in relation to those facts. But you do acknowledge them as well, so I don't see real disagreement here.