Coming home from a show and maybe listening with ones partner is always interesting and sometimes also telling something, but what?
I was favourably impressed even by my "little digital wonder" of battery-fed RPI3-Hifiberry Digi Pro streamer / CEC TL2 CD transport, battery-fed MF DAC-V90 digital front end. Everything you could wish for was impressively there...
And then... my wife called for Grieg Peer Gynt by HvK which I was able to stream - I quite like this recording on CD and it sounded good streamed (Roon / Qobuz) but my wife reacted somewhat lukewarm, after some highly impressing audio experiences just before - and she wished for phono.
I have my alternating phono & digital sabbaticals. Saturday ended such a more than half-year sabbatical on phono. The return of... the king? ...the glory was shocking, I simply wasn't prepared for it. The connection to room, music-making, dynamics and see-through transparency and coherence hit me right between the eyes. (And later all the miserable pressings, noise & wet-play artefacts of several records). The stability, dynamics warm, full & extremely resolving sound with a stand-out lucid quality in the bass has floored me in this unattended moment.
- Within the time gap rel. to my last phono phase I changed only two things regarding phono: I started aurally from new, with a digitally cleaned set ears. Last time I only had a short time with the I-beam. And, under my speakers, I replaced harder one-point (center of gravity) springed feet with an adjustable air cushion. Already before this did cut the feedback loop within frequency range which my speakers are able to reproduce (realistically not much anymore below 15Hz).
I think both aspects contributed, but (I guess) at least half of the improvement in see-through bass transparency and general palpability comes from the I-beam.
Ie. the I-beam is IMO a must have for any ET2 / ET2.5 owner.
Reducing feed-through from speaker to floor, and floor to turntable is (as we all know) very important.
The improvement wasn't subtle at all!
The other involved gear in my system is:
B&O MMC1, ET 2.5 (Audio Consulting silver tonearm wiring, pressured air bottle) / Audio Consulting battery phono / Audio Consulting TVC line amp / Berning ZH270 with some mods / lessloss speaker cables / Ambience Audio Ribbon Hybrid Reference 1600 / Ambience subwoofer / and TakeT supertweeters and TakeT wide-range "energy-fill driver" WHDpure.