Alpha Core Goertz

Anyone else notice that their customer service is beyond unhelpful...but insulting?

I tried to order 2 banana plug terminations with them and one month later they've yet to send them. Dropped the order twice.

I'm selling these cables and working with a company that can help me. Too bad they lost my business for a $30 dollar order.

@ketchup I don't believe you need zobel networks with Macs on second thought due primarily to the autoformers.  I installed MI2's on my 501's and they sound great with no problems.

They did send my old Classe amp into oscillation back in the day requiring me to use the RC links which solved the problem.  

And you are correct -  connecting theils especially big ones are a major PITA.

Well after experiencing the Goertz MI-3 Divinity cables, I decided to go Goertz bi-wire.

I just placed my 7 footers up for sale on the gon.


Question on the use of the Zobel's.

If I use 2 separate Goertz MI-3 Divinity speaker cables, Should I add the Zobel's at each cable end or will one for both cables be sufficient?


I just received my Goertz MI-3 Divinity bi-wire cables, and I must say they are way better than I thought they would be. I have now compared them to much pricier cables and they exceed or hold their own.

I also am not using the Zobel's, and everything is working fine.
