Ethernet Switch Recommendations Please

Hi - I am currently using a Melco S100 switch and considering upgrading. I had an Ansuz D2 before the Melco and thought it was a fantastic switch, but ended up selling it when I moved. Any first hand experience and recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, Todd


I use a Paul Pang Quad Switch and love it, it's not really well known but I've had a couple of friends pick them up after hearing mine in my system. 

I have the LHY SW10 and the SW8.   I heard a noticeable improvement over standard Ethernet data switches.   I’ve not compared them to other audio Ethernet switches. 

Good Hunting!

Try the Melco N100 with the Plixir 12v 4amp Linear Power supply. A noticible improvement by adding this power supply. There is also a Signature DC cable - which your dealer should lend you, once you hear the Plixir with the Signature cable you will likely buy both together. Finally there is the ADOT Optical Converter also sold by Melco dealers which takes your digital to a yet higher level. Find a Melco dealer and speak with them about these products. Trying them will convince you!

I thought the N100 is a server and not a switch? Are you suggesting that I replace my SGC i9 Roon core with the N100 and keep the S100 switch?