Anyone has a reference system where amplification is SS ?

I never heard of audiophiles whose reference system had transistor amplification. It is always tubes. But maybe there are exceptions.


@inna Wrote:

I will not be directly responding to retards and perverts, of whom there is quite a number here.



Yes, there is both right and wrong, you are simply seemingly unaware of it.

Simply a wonderful question. What about Hybrid Reference Systems? Best of both worlds, 

I was being sarcastic about this being a wonderful question. 

You have not been around long , at least 65% of amplifiers are SS 

not tube . I owned a Audiostore for a decade, the progression of SS over the last 15 years SS Mosfets ,or bipolar transistors have many vacuum tube attributes in smoothness ,there are many more SS amps then tubes , plus some speakers need high current high SS is  to move panels or drivers ,Vacuum tube voltage driven .

look at Vitus Gryphon, Pass labs, Boulder , Ayre, Bryston Krell ,MBL
Luxman,Accuphase Goldman just to name a few and many are Very $$.