@mglik You are right but everyone uses the same hearing perceptual rules. Its a sort of common denominator.
Over time, as a designer you gain experience knowing how the distortion profile looks as compared to how it sounds. It gets to the point that you can predict how the equipment will sound if you have enough of the relevant measurements in front of you.
There is that old saw about trust your ears not the measurements. That was really true until sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Sometime in that period it became possible to measure the things that really tell what an amplifier (or preamp) might sound like. The knowledge that this is so is scarce, as is the understanding of the significance of some of the measurements.
At any rate, if the design issues I mentioned so far are not observed in a design, it is very likely it will not be deemed 'musical'. It might surprise you, but we've never relied on tuning any of our products by ear. We rely very heavily on measurements. Only after we get what we are looking for do we give it a listen. So far this technique has served us pretty well.