What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound?

I have bought six or seven different power cords, none over $500 and have noticed little or no change in the sound of my system. All the cables are 12 gauge or bigger.  Without talking about cables made with unobtainium, where did you start hear a difference.



Synergistic A/C Master coupler, long long ago....then Tekline, then Cerious Technologies...I also use the lower cost Transparent and Audience in secondary systems...found all worthwhile, and used power cords hold their value extremely well

For me it was Shunyata power cords.  75% of both my systems are wired with Shunyata interconnects.


I can’t find the A/C Master Coupler on SR’s website.  When did it come out and what was the price then?



Could you hear differences immediately when you plugged them in?  What are you using now?

Are you talking about the Audience F3’s?  I bought one for $300 when they first came out and ended up buying two more for $300 total about a year later.