Need a new integrated, what say you?

I’m in need of a new integrated amp. My old ML 383 had developed issues and was in need of a refurbish. This wasn’t in my budget so it was sold, along with some other hifi items that were no longer needed, to allow for a new integrated. My budget is roughly $2,000 or less. Room specs are roughly 12x12 with an extended outcove area of approx 5x7. My speakers are about 6.5ft apart (center to center) and I sit roughly 8ft away. So my system is in a small room and in a nearfield-ish arrangement. Speakers are Revel F30’s and source is Cambridge 851C. As for integrateds, I was thinking about the matching Cambridge 851A, Parasound Halo (original), and Hegel H160. A friend of mine is selling a Primare I21 and had thought about that too. This is a 75 at 8, 125 at 4 integrated, but reportedly has grunt to push bigger speakers. Looking for other suggestions and guidance.


I've heard the Hegel H190 with Fritz Carbon 7SE MKii speakers, and that was a beautiful pairing.

Based on your speakers, set up Hegel, Music Fidelity, Parasound are all fantastic choices.  The Hegel gives you more in 1 box with streaming and a DAC, the MF and Parasound lack those features.  All of them punch above their weight class, all have great build quality and the ability to drive most speakers, you’d have to work to find speakers they can’t drive.

If you stretched your budget a bit, Coda CSiB is an absolute steal, value off the charts based on build quality, parts used.  You might be able to luck into one used at around 3 grand give or take.  The Krell 300i is also fantastic, if you find a used one that doesn’t have the built in DAC, might be able to come in around 3 grand give or take.  I’ve had the Coda, Krell, Parasound A21, various pre’s Krell Illisions ii, Zesto Leto, Used the Coda CSiB as a pre, Parasound P6 and a couple others I’m forgetting at the moment.  Got to compare the CSiB, Krell 300i, Parasound and Primaluna Evo400 integrated in my system at the same time, owned most of the gear, got the Krell gear from a dealer to try.  I ended up with a Krell amp, using the Coda CSib as a pre only and then have cycled several pre’s into the mix.  

All that said, I have real world experience with what I have listed above.  Coda, hands down best build quality and components used in their gear, punches way above the price point.  Krell XD gear sounded the best  to my ears so that’s how I ennded up with Krell, built extremely well, legendary brand. 

You have a great list to start, all punch above their weight class and think you’ll be happy with any of them.  If you stretch, save a bit or pay the waiting game, I think moving up to the Coda or Krell would be big steps up and well worth it but it’s really easy to spend someone else’s money, that might not even be an option.

Good Luck!