Most enjoyable speaker you heard under $800??

What is the most enjoyable and satisfying speaker UP TO $700.00, you either listened to or owned.

Consider musicality as an important factor in your comments that is, the sound really held your attention, and also amazed you. Thanks, Jimbo
To JL-35, What did you like about the Dali Zensor I speaker?? It appears more like a Home Theater back channel speaker

Also. I answered your question about what speakers I found enjoyable to listen to by citing Monitor Audio RS-6 which I spent hours auditionin, then changed my mind and bought the Silverline Prelude II because it was a bit smoother on top, but the RS-6 was more balanced top to bottom. Any former RS-6 owners recall the sound quality of the RS-6??
"05-24-15: Mceljo
ZD542 - I am not great with audiophile descriptions, but the results of the A5+ with my SACD player made me believe that I could be happy with the combo if something happened to my Focal 836v speakers. Using the Airport Express the sound is more like an old tape player lacking detail, clarity, and dynamics in comparison. It just sounds ok rather than surprisingly great."

Sorry. I somehow managed to read your first post wrong. I thought you liked the Apple better. I don't know what I was thinking because you were pretty clear. Also, your description in the above quote is pretty good.
I find the Zensor 1 to have a surprisingly full, realistic sound for it's size and price, Bass while not deep sounds full as opposed to thin or spiked. I also have found them to be relatively insensitive to placement. They sound clear and precise with both price appropriate electronics, but also benefit from the better stuff. I have used them as both desktop, and bedroom speakers.