Dazzdax- If you've never read this article in Stereophile, it may give you some insights as to what's missing. (http://www.stereophile.com/reference/23/index.html) If your system delivers the dynamics you enjoy via vinyl, you may need to address your CD transport or DAC. Have you taken any steps with regard to isolation for the transport? Much can be lost(solidity/definition) in the lower registers through resonances/vibration. I'd second the suggestion of tube rolling in the DAC also. NOS Siemens and Telefunken tubes always deliver excellent bottom end response and definition(not to mention transparency throughout the entire audio bandwidth). The 50's Siemens ECC83's(long plates) are excellent, or you could go all out with a pair of Tele ECC803S tubes. It's hard to imagine the digital equipment you own lacking PRaT.