New classe delta preamp and classe stereo amp?

Was wondering your thoughts on the newer Classe preamp and stereo amp combo vs something like the Accuphase E5000 integrated? Does anyone own this classe combo? It will be driving my older B&W 804S speakers and a rel t7x sub. I used to own the older classe cp500 and ca2200 amp. I have the E5000 right now and it sounds great, but just thinking of going back to seperates. Just a thought and some advice. I know the new classe is made in japan now. Thanks


I have the PRE and MONOs and absolutely love them. The sound is very detailed, but listenable and smooth for long periods of time. It just sounds natural and right with my KEF Blades. My last amp was the Parasound JC5 which is such a great amp but the Classe was a very big step up. Many good amps tend towards brightness and the Classe is very enjoyable. The PRE has in my opinion the exact right set of options including sub crossovers and time delay. I have the HDMI card for ARC in from my TV and that works perfectly with no lip sync issues.  The fans are barely perceptible if you are close enough to hear them.
Good Luck!

I tried a previous-generation Classé amp, and I could hear its fan during quiet passages of music. I thought the amp was great otherwise but sent it back to the dealer because I didn't want that noise. Fan bearings don't get quieter as they age, either.


@hifihandyman Thanks, appreciate it.

@mike_in_nc thanks, not sure witch generation you are talking about. I had the older delta series, which had no fans. I'm sure the new ones are great. 

I have the Accupase E5000 and was thinking of trading it towards the new classe delta preamp and delta stereo amp. I thought I posted that in my original post, but I guess not.

@hifihandyman How do you like the dac in the pre amp? The one i'm thinking about, has the hdmi board installed. I would probably bypass most in the pre and just use it for 2.1 music  listening.