Revopod vs IsoAcoustics Gaia 1's

I presently have my Focal Sopra II’s sitting on Iso Acoutics Gaia 1 speaker isolation feet. I have been trying to do some research on the possibility of replacing the Gaia 1’s with the Revopods. Has anyone on here compared those 2 products to find out which is better? I have been thinking of trying a set of the Revopods which I can get at a 25 percent discount until the end of the year. Even with the discount, the investment would be nothing to sneeze at, plus I am skeptical as to whether or not that investment would be worth it. If anyone has any experience with the 2 different products, good or bad, I would like to hear about it. Or if you think there is a better product out there, please share that also. Thanks



That's what makes this hobby so interesting, there is always something we need to address.



The IsoAcoustics made a big difference in the sound of my Sopra’s over the factory spikes and I have been pretty happy with them, but I know there is probably something better out there. So far the Townshends are at the top of my list just from ozzy’s recommendation, especially since he is using them with the same speaker I have.

I haven't heard them but the Carbide Base footers are getting some positive reviews and slightly less expensive than the Revopods


What’s the price differential between the Isoacoustic Gaias, Townsend Podium 3's and the Revopods? Also significant may be the appearance and large footprint of the Townsends. Either factor may be significant determinants for anyone.