Vandersteen 5A to Carbons??

Anyone out there do the upgrade? If so, is the upgrade very obvious, or a minor improvement? ..or something in between.
Interesting discussion guys-

anyone using Aesthetix gear w/ any variation of the current "carbon" upgrades ? 5A, Treo or Quattro CT models?
If so, feel free to comment. There exists a very natural
synergy between Aesthetix and Vandy. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I have the Aesthetix phono stage that I just hooked up, but I don't have the CT version Treo's. They sound GREAT together.
What's interesting is that the premier Vandersteen dealer would say this about a pair of speakers someone traded in:

"still have not heard a speaker set valued up to $10K that I like better! Terrific Detail, focus, Sound stage, etc."

I guess you say whatever you have to say to move used merchandise out the door.....

Ad by Audio Connection for a pair of used Metaphor 2 loudspeakers. The description was in the ad copy. I guess they think these are better than the 2ci, Quattro, Treo, etc...

Just seems funny to me.
