When to choice XLR over RCA ICs.

If your IC connections are 1m or less is there a difference between using XLR over RCA Interconnects?

As one moves up the ICs cable lines with a manufacturer (ex. Audioquest) which connections would you upgrade first and in what order.

My system is McIntosh (C12000 two part preamp, Men220 room equalizer, MC611 mono-amps), Audioquest (AQ) Niagara 5000 line conditioner, and Hi-Fi Rose 150b streamer. 

I am currently using AQ Black Beauty XLR ICs. I have a pair of 1m Firebird RCA ICs and would like to replace one of the Black Beauty ICs in system configuration. Future upgrades looking for recommendations. 

Presently using a AQ 2m Thunder 20A power cord from wall socket to Niagara. 

Using 4ft AQ William Tell (Silver) bi-wire combo speaker cable (mono-amps to 800d3 speakers. 

Thank you, Please advise.



Many differentially balanced components will yield 6dB more gain when operated fully balanced - that is, balanced input and output. Another way to look at that is a 6dB improvement in s/n. That can be noticeable.

There is no real difference at one meter.  However there may well be a difference in how each is implemented in the Amp.  Often XLR is implemented with a small transformer which colors the sound a bit and amplifies it.  Louder sounds better.  

Also, the term balanced implies that RCA is imbalanced.  Balanced must be better.  People make choices based on superficial impressions like this.  



some simply prefer the tighter connection when the XLR cables click into place...

Make sure what they are running between is all so balanced. Just because a unit has XLR imputes or out puts does not mean it's balanced when running XLR cables between real balanced gear has alway sounded better  to me than single ended.

What @cleeds said

but you have to listen to determine what is best for you in your system