Streaming through upconverting DAC - can I even improve audio quality?

New to streaming but have been at this hobby for over 50 years.  Started by getting a Marantz SA-10 SACD player that enables streaming through its DAC only via SPIDF.  The SA-10 upconverts everything to DSD 11.2.  So I started with ifi Zen Stream via ethernet, good Belden 75 ohm cable, then upgraded streamer to ifi's linear power supply, which made an improvement I could hear through balance of system, Luxman 590axii and Yamaha NS-5000 loudspeakers.  Sounds good so I'v e started to look at other streamers thinking it could get better, including the new Eversolo DMP-A8 (where I could use its DAC or the Marantz) and even the $5200 HIfi Rose RS-130 (streamer only).  But here's the thing:  so far, just using free Spotify 44.1 redbook quality, 1) since the Marantz upconverts everything to DSD 11.2 would I gain anything from a premium streaming subscription? and 2) the Ifi's femto clock and it's purifier noise removal works on the signals into the unit (clock) and then out (purifier on coax) and then the Marantz' dual clocks take over, so is there anything to be gained with a different streamer's clock? Or have I gotten the quality to about as good as its going to get without investing significantly more in another higher end DAC and streamer?  Should I be able to get SACD quality via streaming or maybe I'm getting that now and it's just that streaming sounds different than a SACD.

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Yeah, you’re scraping the bottom of the streaming barrel and there’s much more to be had.  Upsampling Spotify???  U gotta be kidding me if you think that’s even close to being as good as it gets.  Upgrading your streamer to something from the likes of Aurender or Innuos and adding a good DAC will take you way, way ahead of where you are now. 

You really would benefit by ditching Spotify and subscribing to Qobuz. That alone will provide a very noticeable change in how you’re hearing things.

Thanks, I'll give Qobuz a try first.  I'm trying to compare streaming to music I know well that I play on CD or SACD which is the only way I can judge.  I guess I don't understand if any signal the stream outputs is getting upsampled and upconverted to 11.2 what difference it makes as to what signal is streamed as input.  I'm sure the answer is technical and I'd be surprised if everything doesn't make a difference.  More experimentation is certainly in order.  Trying to find the sweet spot bang for the buck.  

But here's the thing:  so far, just using free Spotify 44.1 redbook quality,

Where did you get that info? It's totally incorrect. Spotify doesn't offer any redbook ouput. They have nothing but lossy streaming at a max of 320kbs. And the free service tops out at 160kbs when streaming.

Tidal, Qobuz, Amazon, Apple and others offer 16/44.1 which is REDBOOK CD quality in lossless formats.

Yes, better streamers and better DACs will sound better but you really need a better streaming service to make that a reality.