Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists

......I am looking at both of these speakers and wanted a little feedback from the members here. They would be driven by an Esoteric A-03 amp - 50 watts of Class A power. Music is from the Allman Brothers to Frank Zappa to Neil Young to Muddy Waters to Eva Cassidy get the picture. Let me know ...thanks
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I received the Sonus Faber Olympica II's a few days ago. I had previously owned the SF Cremona M's and as beautiful as they were - there was house sound and after a couple of years I changed them out. I will tell you right out of the box - the Olympica III's are not like the older SF's.....that was very clear. I will comment more but - first impression is very dynamic and coherent.
still liking the Olumpica III's?    I have a chance to get a good deal on a demo set.  
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