Lumin Hifi Rose or Aurender

I am looking for a new streamer (with no dac) and streamer with a dac and would prefer to stay with one brand.  Have it narrowed down to Lumin, Hifi Rose or Aurender.  I need spotify connect and access to tidal.

I will spend in the 4 to 6K for the Steamer and 3-5K for the streamer Dac

I have a Berkeley alpha dac 3 that the streamer will feed in system one which is a higher end system mcintosh C22 into a MC462 with Harbeth 40.3 XD speakers.

The streamer dac is for a second system which is more middle of the road.  Mcintosh MA6500 with Totem Forest Signature speakers.

I do streaming only and don't have no need for drive storage.

Love to here your thoughts 

Ag insider logo xs@2xefoo

Has anyone heard the N200, Rose 130 and Lumin U2 ....

These are the three units I am looking at for the Streamer Transport.

For the Streamer dac I am looking at the T3, A200 and the RS130

If anyone has any experience with these I would be interested.



I tried out the Aurender and the Rose and was not overwhelmed.  They are excellent, but not what I would expect from a true stand-alone streamer.

I ended up going with the Lumin U1, which is (I understand) substantially the same unit as the U2, but with a separate power supply and a bit more isolation and shielding of some pretty noisy (electronically) components.

It has a rich, very precise, sound.  Could not be more pleased.

I would assume the U2 is extremely close.

I have U2 in my System

luv it   Bettered grim 1 especially considering difference in price 



Sounds like so far the Lumin family is the winner !!!!

I am interested to see if that hold true from the other Goners


I have an Aurender N200. It's sublime. I chose it because of its beefy power supply, shielded isolation and (for me) ease of use. Since I already had a DAC I really like, I did not consider a unit with DAC/streamer combination.