Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thiel 1.5

Right speaker(without polarity markings)

100 hz ---------- 4.100

120 ‐-‐------------3.6565

400 ‐--------------3.6626

1khz -------------4.169

4khz -------------4.210

10khz -----------4.445

Left speaker (with polarity markings)

100 hz ---------- 3.9187

120 ‐-‐------------ 3.6039

400 ‐-------------- 3.6251

1khz ------------- 4.120

4khz ------------- 4.224

10khz ----------- 4.449



Thiel 3.6

Left speaker(after replacing a resistor and resolder)

100 hz ---------- 3.0218

120 ‐-‐------------ 2.7144

400 ‐-------------- 2.6676

1khz ------------- 2.9541

4khz ------------- 2.4293

10khz ----------- 3.1372


Right speaker

100 hz ---------- 2.8188

120 ‐-‐------------ 2.738

400 ‐-------------- 2.6377

1khz ------------- 2.9

4khz ------------- 2.3977

10khz ----------- 3.11


Instead of speculating how hard they can be to

Drive. Here it is, some impedance measurements.

While not benign, I don't think it should be hard for 

A competent amplifier with large energy reserves. 






Thanks For the detailed information about Adcom amps. My negative opinion came from using one as a loaner many years ago while my amp was being serviced. I see now that mine must have been one of the bad ones.

Roxy54 - it's hard to know. I had some clues from an acquaintance who had been personal secretary to Adcom's president in the day. She advised  me to find an 'original' and helped puzzle it out.

It's not uncommon for a manufacturer to create a worthy product, get good reviews and dealer buy-in and then erode that foundation via lower cost components, sources and so forth. I was personally chagrined to see some late Thiel CS2.4s that didn't hold a candle to the original Lexington variety. So the world goes.

I suggest keeping an open mind to the potential of the GFA555. Nelson still loves it as designed; and we have certainly taken it up a few notches.


Thank You for the Power Amp(s) update. Good to read that you are making the most R&D via Adcom, Benchmark and Classe'. Believe me, there is plenty of room, in the room, for Power Amps. We all have our likes and hear differently.

Specifications are start but the Ear/Brain give a better clinical picture. I will keep saying that we (Audiophiles) need more "modders" in Our hobby, continuing to push for The Absolute Sound.


Season's Greetings and Happy Listening!