Does good technology guarantees musicality?

Nowadays many audiophiles think that if you DIY a state-of-the-art DAC with the implementation of the right technology and with the use of the best parts money can buy, then you will automatically get a good (and musical) sounding DAC. I personally think that this way you can get a (technically) good sounding DAC, but it is still questionable if it would sound musical too. I mean technically perfect is not synonimous with musicality. Many people are able to build a technically flawless DAC, but only a few are able to build a musical sounding DAC. Do you agree with this?

[/quote] Does good technology guarantees musicality? [/quote]

Not in the audiophile sense - but it will get you accurate reproduction with no distortion.
No. It either faithfully reproduces the original analog signal or it doesn't. "Musical" is a highly subjective term that is impossible to quantify.

Shadorne, I agree. But do you only want to have accuracy without distortion? Even techno music from Kraftwerk (which seems devoid from any human emotion has some musicality).

Cd was thought has a "perfect technology" on a road to perfect sound. And for all practical reason's it did sound quite logical. With no ticks clicks and pops, with a laser reading all info with nothing physically touching to distort. Well unfortunate for us it did not pan out, until independent and small companies picked up the baton and with their tweaking with the use of large corporate R&D muscle machinery, we are still wanting and waiting.