Thiel 2.4 Speakers & Krell KAV - 300iL

I currently have Thiel 2.4 speakers driven by a Krell KAV - 300iL. I don't think this integrated amp is sufficient for these speakers. I've considered adding an amp to remedy the problem, but not sure I want to spend the money. I've contemplated replacing the Thiels, the Krell, or both instead. I'm not sure what I could get for either component or what to buy as replacements. Sorry to make this so open ended, but I would appreciate any insights you may have as I consider these options.  Thanks!


I have a pair of 2.4s. They dip into the 2 ohm range so it is important be stable down low. I don’t think they are too power hungry but they have a rising treble on axis. I found EQing down 2db from 8k up really helped the speaker. 

the best sound I got out of my thiels when I used them in my main system was on a McIntosh 462 off the 2ohm tap. The 2 ohm tap softens the highs and really balanced the speaker. The 4 and 8 ohm tap were too bright imo. 

The Thiel CS 2.4’s don’t just dip below 4 Ohms, they live there from 100 Hz on. The KAV 300 il might have a Krell logo, but does’nt behave like typical Krells into such impedances, it’s only rated down to 4 Ohms. The Thiel CS 2.4’s are better suited to amplifiers that can output at least 400 Watts into 2 Ohms, and in most applications I’d suggest double that.