Bybee Internal Speaker Bullets - user feedback?

I added a couple of Bybee Small Slipstream Purifiers on the RCA inputs in my amp and like the effect quite a bit.

Exchanging with Jack Bybee, he said the internal speaker bullets are, in his view, the best bang for buck of his products. That would be an expensive move for me as I would need 2 sets (they retail at about $800 per set).

Searching around A'gon, I was surprised to see little talk about these. Found a thread from 2008 discussing the Bybee Golden Goddess that apparently had just come out at the time. I believe the Internal Speaker Bullets are a DIY version of the Golden Goddess, that retails at $4200 (!!).

Would love to hear from those who tried them. In what kind of speakers? Was it worth it to you?

My speakers are B&W 804S. They were $4k when new...not anymore. I have to wonder if best bang for buck is to spend $1.6k on these Bybees or upgrade the speakers. The Bybees I can keep with me in future speaker upgrades, though.

Thank you!
Bybee products tend to be controversial but I'll be darned if I can see why. I have used his power cords, early models of his speaker bullets, purifiers soldered directly in line with the drivers of my speakers themselves and purifiers that go between preamp out ICs and the amp inputs and the result is always the same...increased transparency, purity and intelligibility. None of my stuff is the newest latest greatest BTW. A few months ago I decided to run a little experiment and started pulling out Bybees just to see if I was fooling myself. It took 30 seconds of listening to realize what a mistake that was.
I have never tried the Bybee Bullets. You may look or try Synergistic XOT's They may not be in the same class, but they are much cheaper at $399.00 a pair and have a 2 week money back trial. easy to install and uninstall. The reviews are about 50/50 on them some love them and some do not. I have them on my B@W Matrix's 800 and for red book cd play like them a lot.
Good luck
Hola Acresverde.

You mention
purifiers soldered directly in line with the drivers of my speakers themselves

That is actually what I was thinking of when I emailed Jack Bybee. What kind of purifiers did/are you using there? Just one on the + leg of the driver, or + and -?
Did you ever compare that to the performance of the speaker bullets?

Thanks for chiming in!