Tube preamp match with Solid Stare amp

I'm looking for recommendations for a balanced TUBE  pre amplifier..preferably one that also has a phono input.. with a low output impedance.  I'm currently using an Coda No.8..which was designed with balanced in mind.. but it has a pretty low balanced  input impedance of just 10k ohms. Price.. I wouldn't like to spend more than 6k. 

Thank you all :)

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I love my Cary SLP-05 but it has too much gain for the Coda and the 10Kohms is borderline.  

This Rogue Audio RP-9 is my recommendation for you.  

Rogue Audio RP-9 Stereo Tube Preamplifier; RP9 - The Music Room ( 

Products_RP9.htm (


Aesthetix Calypso would be my suggestion. I've used mine with Chord, Ayer & Plinius amps with much success. No phono but, find a good preowned one, plug in your choice of phono pres and stay under the $6K cap. Just my opinion...