Manley Chinook SE MK2

What phono preamp and how much would it take to better the Manley? I ask mainly because I have one and considering upgrading. I know it's been stated that it takes $5k upwards to better it but curious of some real world experiences.  

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By the way, as regards the autoformers in the Steelhead, I get the feeling that my Steelhead sounds best through its MM outputs, where there is no autoformer in the signal path. Interestingly, in the Steelhead, I have read (never tried it) that you can get up to the max 65db of phono gain via the MM outputs.  

This has been widely reported-that the MM input with MC often sounds best-by various reviewer and owners. I have tried it and agree. 

I did replace some of the putative MC load resistors in my Steelhead with TX2575 resistor equivalents. (TX2575 are the best most transparent phono load resistors I have ever heard and by general consensus.) That may have improved SQ in the MC circuits; I would not swear by it.

I stand by my suggestion that experiencing a Valve Exchange, could prove to be all that is necessary to discover the sonic that is more of an attraction to yourself, and even possibly an attraction that comfortably fends of other Phon' Models. I am not seeing where the method fails to be a experience that could prove to being cost effective, as a means to make a change. 

For myself to have my E88CC Phon' superseded, it took a Bespoke Built Valve Input/Valve Output design to achieve this. The E88CC is still used and has proven to be my most preferred with a Head Amp coupled to it. It is not one that is a relegated to being a 'sell on' item or to being a 'storage' item either.

The CCa referred to earlier was a Matched Pair demo'd in my DAC, but the Siemens & Halske early 60's E88CC's were the ones selected over all Tubes offered as a loan for the Tube Rolling experience.

Early 60's Mullard E88CC's were selected for the Phon' over the ones used in the DAC and all others loaned.    

Pindac, in what phono stage are you experiencing the benefits of tube rolling? The Steelhead and probably the Chinook use a hybrid cascode (FET/6922) for gain at the input. In that topology it’s not surprising that differences among 6922s would be muted if not inaudible.

I have an early version Mr Nixie DIGNA Valve Hybrid MM/MC Phonostage that has undergone modification that enables the 6922/ECC88/E88CC Tubes to be used.

Even more recently I have been introduced to the use of Low Eddy RCA connections used on both Chassis and Cables. This is another adaption not carrying too much expense to achieve, that is very much worthwhile considering if one feels there is more desired to be extracted from signal path of a electrical device. 

In a system I am very familiar with and one that has been used when I have been a participant in offering ears as part of development works for Audio products being produced. As part of R&D, I have been A/B compared a SS Phonostage and Interconnect Cables with original supplied RCA's and as the design with the RCA connectors swapped to Low Eddy models. The impression left on myself after experiencing the Low Eddy RCA's mounted onto the Chassis and Terminating the Cables, is that this is something I intend on adopting within my own system where it is possible to achieve. The veil/smearing that is removed, alone as a perceived improvement is quite something. The additional perceivable benefits where the  shaping and envelope of the notes and vocal that manifested is totally wanted to be experienced again. 

Any device out of Warranty could easily undergo such an alteration.