Preamp Gain issues with high efficiency speakers

Hey all,

Been having a hard time with my system lately.

I recently got a pair of Zu Soul 6 that are 100db efficient. My power amp is a Conrad Johnson Premier 11 (70wpc) and my Preamp is a Conrad Johnson ET3-SE that has 25db of gain. Source is a streamer (PI2AES) with Denafrips Pontus II DAC, but it is the same regardless of source.

My issue is that even at 1 out of 100 on my preamp, the volume is still quite loud. If I were to turn it up to 30, I would be well north of 95db.

Due to a new baby, most of my listening is at low volumes.

I have been using in line attenuators but I feel like it adds a slight veil to the sound of the music.

I swapped out my Preamp for a Schit Sys passive pre and I could only turn the knob to maybe 7 or 8 pm before it was LOUD. I figured with a passive no gain pre I would be able to have more control over the volume, but this was not the case.

Is this Amp just a bad match for my speakers? I have read that it is better to have your pre running closer to 40-70% so that you are not attenuating the signal too much but I can barely get it to 5-10% before its quite loud.

Any insight, recommendations would be appreciated!









I bought hi eff speakers, 100 db.  

Digital volume on the Bluesound was terrible.

My old preamp didn't work

I have a Khozmo with Pass XA25.  It takes 1.25V to get full output on my amp.  Input sensitivity is 50k ohms.

I have no issues.  Khozmo can even accommodate different input sensitivities on your amp.  I gave all my specs to Arek and everything matches.  You can spend more for potentiometers but the Khozmo IS pretty transparent. I paid for upgraded resistors and I think it was still <$600.

@daledeee1 I also have an XA25 and have been looking at the Khozmo or Hattor, they seem to be the exact same with different branding for different markets. 

My source DAC is 2v output.

you have no bass issues?

Which speakers?



I’m doing this from memory...but. The Hattor has the same Vc but you can add Op amps and have 0, 3 or 6 dB gain and the Hattor has a tube buffer option. Add that all up and about 4k if I remember correctly.

Anyway, I cheat JK. I only use my mains 100Hz on up. The subs get the rest. And the electronic crossover has attenuators.I can run mains with VC turned all the way up and adjust sub levels from there.

The Khozmo has 0 to 63 steps. Running the speakers at about 80 dB mid 20s on the Hattor. Blasting at 110 dB is 48 to 52. This can vary greatly by recording. The Pass doesn’t give up easily. I have Crites Type B speakers partially horn loaded)..  100dB efficiency(Cornwall clones)So that’s my mid fi layman’s explanation

You could check with Al F. at "", He hand makes absolutely transparent high quality switching and routing solutions, much better than the Chinese gear. He might be able to build attenuators into a a speaker router or a signal router, depending on whether you want to work from the source end or speaker end. Reasonable pricing for handmade custom gear.