CD's in DVD players a compromise?

A broader question than it may seem at first. Apparently, the verdict is that DVD players do not excell at CD playback. Are there any DVD players out there that have actually surprised you with their CD capabilities? Also, what is the limiting factor here? Is it the digital reading of the CD. If so, then even an outboard DAC won't improve things. Is it that the internal D to A conversion is optimized for DVD's? If so, then an outboard DAC would be the answer. Does anyone out there know the cold hard technical facts on this subject? Will things get any better (or worse) with a Blue Ray player?
Hey, I'm quite happy with my Oppo DV-983 - it plays every shiny disc format except BluRay and HD-DVD. And it's priced about 80-90% less than all the previously mentioned units. If you're on a budget, this is the unit to buy.

Or, if you'd like to have BluRay playback too, wait a month or so for Oppo's new BluRay universal. It is going to be a killer unit for only $599...

Don't be sucked into the OPPO fan club. I bought an OPPO
to see what all the fuss was about. I think OPPO buys off
reviewers personally. I would like to hear someone who has
actually A/B'ed the Denon 3930CI against the OPPO in their
home and not come on here and admit that the DENON smoked
the OPPO.

The Denon displays better "depth of field", has better
colors, better motion, and the sound for BOTH movies and
Redbook CD SMOKES the OPPO. I sold my OPPO at a loss and
continue to love my DENON.
Tom thats 5 times the price, if you are going to play reviewer then put products in proper context.
i own an oppo. i use it as a dvd player. it is ok for that. as a cd player, it is unsatisfactory, having an unbalanced frequency response and analytical presentation.
Thanks to all of you above for the good suggestions. Lets not stop now though, I'd like to hear as many as possible, and particularly those players that are also good value. Perhaps I was wrong to assume that good CD sound cannot come out of a DVD player. Maybe though it is simply a matter of manufacturing costs. I will admit that my notion comes mostly from comments made about less expensive DVD players. I paid $1600.00 for my CD player in 1990 and loved it and kept with it till it died a year ago. Now I couldn't dream of spending that much for a replacement. Can I find happiness for less than a grand, or even $600.00 bucks?