@nonoise who is the dishonest broker now?
he literally says the ground is on the backplane, and you can see that what he is running his hand over is between the SFPs and the CPU, so he is says the ground is connected to the CPU. That is what he is saying. He likely doesn’t understand what he is saying however.
Give me one article about electrical jitter? Electricity is in the analogue domain where jitter doesn’t exists. Are you perhaps confusing electrical and electronic?
it was definitely a rant. And double regulated doesn’t mean that you say it does,. It means it can handle two different ranges, for instance 200 - 240 and 100 - 120V. And he says it makes the component more stable, which it doesn’t.
a switch literally handles thousands of parallel threads per second, it is the only job of a switch.
And @nonoise, what about his ludicrous rant about isolation gadget? Pure fiction.
So, now you have proven yourself again to be a dishonest broker, for what?