New, Very Interesting CD Transport

On John Darko's website today we learn of the brand new Shanling ET3 CD Transport. And for $729 USD it looks really capable. Top loading with Philips SAA7824 drive. AES/EBU, coaxial, TOSLINK and I2S digital outputs. Plus Wifi and Bluetooth. USB to connect to a external HD and built in upsampling, too. It even will output digital to USB for connection to a DAC but not with upsampling.

Here's the skinny:


Hi @creativepart

Can you cancel oversampling in your Shanling EC3 transport?

It is important to any Chord DAC that has its own oversampling processing algorithm.

Interesting thread. I own an Esoteric DV60, which I use solely as a transport. The DV60 is a universal player, which means it can read SACD's, DVD A's etc., I do not think it is any less capable as a transport than a unit designed purely for CD's. I have done a few comparisons between it and these type of transports, and the Esoteric has always come out on top. Not to say that perhaps a lesser SACD unit that does all things would be in the same category, but I think generalizations, like those made above, are not always correct.

Can you cancel oversampling in your Shanling EC3 transport?

It is important to any Chord DAC that has its own oversampling processing algorithm.

It is non-oversampling for CD Playback. When using it as a WiFi streamer I know you can stream high res out of it via it's DNLA network connections. But, I don't have any of that setup yet. It's just outputting Redbook CD into my Hugo TT2.

By the way you can send upsampled content to the Chord DAC, I do so via HQ Player/Roon/Qobuz. But that works best when you send content upsampled to at least 705.6hz to bypass the Chord's internal upsampling.

Can you cancel oversampling in your Shanling EC3 transport?

Well, I found a setting in the menu that suggests that it can upsample CDs. But it definitely has a "Bypass" setting that shows 16/44.1 output.

It’s kind of confusing figuring out the menu as some things pertain to other sources i.e. Bluetooth and USB Drive/Stick and I don’t know if they apply to CDs too.

But I have mine set at Bypass and the Chord Hugo TT2 is showing 16/44.1 is being received.

UPDATE: I just set it to 192hz and it is upsampling the CD as the TT2 "light" changed from Red for 44.1 to Blue for 192.

So, to definitively answer your initial question... Yes, it has upsampling BUT you can bypass it and output 44.1 Redbook from CDs.

CORRECTION - I've been calling the transport the "EC3" but it's actually called the ET3 not EC3.

In fact, I think Shanling makes a full CD Player with the EC3 name.

Sorry for the error.