How can you not have multichannel system

I just finished listening to Allman Bros 'Live at the Fillmore East" on SACD, and cannot believe the 2-channel 'Luddites' who have shunned multichannel sound. They probably shun fuel injected engines as well. Oh well, their loss, but Kal has it right.
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2chnlben...The idea that performers should always be in front of you does not reflect the reality of a jazz jam session or a chamber music performance in your home. Note also my earlier posting about antiphonal music. Ambience is not the only sound for surround channels.
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multichannel concerns spatiality. what does that have to do with music which is pitch, timbre and harmonics.

mono is sufficient to reproduce timbre accurately. why is one so concerned about spatial cues. has the problem of accuracy of timbre been solved ? i think not.