Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
Ctsooner -

I hear you. I agree that set up and room are major players. HOWEVER, I prefer to keep this thread about the Treos, not my particular situation, and I have made that quite clear. I enjoy reading other's comments and experiences considering the Treos in THEIR situation - as do other readers, or at least I would hope so. I would list my system here but somebody would ,for sure, take the ball and run with it, insisting that my set up was in dire need of an overhaul. It is not. Look up my old posts if you're curious. It's listed there.
Or just look here at the last post:
"07-12-15: Wlutke
Ctsooner -

I hear you. I agree that set up and room are major players. HOWEVER, I prefer to keep this thread about the Treos, not my particular situation, and I have made that quite clear. I enjoy reading other's comments and experiences considering the Treos in THEIR situation - as do other readers, or at least I would hope so. I would list my system here but somebody would ,for sure, take the ball and run with it, insisting that my set up was in dire need of an overhaul. It is not. Look up my old posts if you're curious. It's listed there."

You're cutting your nose off to spite your face here. Can you tell someone how to judge a pair of speakers by themselves? Its impossible. You have no choice but to listen to a pair of speakers as part of a system, in a specific room. And because of that, you're turning away really good advice. This isn't Best Buy. If you want a crappy, simple answer, then by all means go there. They hand them out all day. The real simple answer is that you have a bunch of very revealing components that need to be deal with by someone other than a novice. Most people can figure this out, but for some reason, you can't. For what its worth, I looked at your system. Why you wouldn't reveal it is a complete mystery since its all high quality stuff that matches up well with Vandersteen. Instead of arguing with everyone, you could have made some progress. Good luck with your system.
Ok, I'm going to cut and paste your system and let's take if from there as you have some good bones. This thread is still about Treo's still. I've heard Treo's with electronics that are considered HOT...very hot on the upper end and they still didn't sound out of control hot like most others do with this particular amp. I couldn't listen for more than an album, but that was better than getting up after the first cut or two (Ask Johnny, I can't handle unnatural highs at all).

Let's do this as you asked for help and that's what I'd love to do for you:

I have an Aries 3 turntable with JMW 10.5i tonearm.
I bought it new 7-8 years back.

I would like to upgrade the tonearm any suggestions ?
I use a Dynavector XX-2 Cartridge and I'll spend up to $3500 new or used.

I like the sound with the 10.5i but will upgrading the tonearm improve the sound ?

As time goes on I listen to more vinyl , almost every night.
Would it be better to purchase a used turntable with tonearm for $6000 ?

Thanks any input appreciated.

First off you have a fine TT and arm. Let's spend the money where it's best spent and that's on other components and cables. I still wonder what your electronics are. If you'd PM me or just post it here, that would help a great deal. The one thing about VPI is that they are pretty neutral sounding and that arm is a good arm. It's not a Rega (I find them very thin personally).

The Treo's need to be driven by an amp with some wallop behind them as do most speakers. Even highly efficient speakers need a lot of current (not watts necessarily). You say you want bass, you have to make sure your electronics can handle that.

Again, I'm sure you have decent electronics and if you need to change them out, I'm sure that's very easy. Heck, even a high powered NAD separate amp and pre amp can match well with Treo's. I've heard them together and you'd be SHOCKED as how good they sound. I'm very very serious hear folks. You don't need to spend an arm and a leg to get musical, emotional sound from these Treo's, however the better you get, the better they sound. To me, that's a very revealing and neutral speaker. Let's get you on track here and happy.