Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
Ctsooner -

The new 2 series Nordost has taken a ridiculously large sonic leap and does not even resemble the thin sounding Nordost of the past. You should take a listen. The Satori Shotgun is a true shotgun (that means double run). You should research that as well. If the Treo is not good enough for you then the Quatro will not help. The reason you are unhappy is your system synergy. Get new cables and perhaps an amp. Or have Richard Vandersteen set up your speaker again. They may have moved. Of course you realize I am saying this all tongue-in-cheek to make a point. You didn't ask for, need or particularly like my ignorant dissing of your system, did you? Of course not. Keeping the thread about the Treos avoided all the second guessing, imaginary problems with my gear, my imaginary discontentment with same, and the resultant imaginary cures. That is why I didn't want to post my system specifics. I realize you mean well. No hard feelings.
Tomic601 =

You make a good point. I'll go back for another demo with an open mind and a battle plan. I'll bring my own music, have them set up the speakers properly and use something better than the single run Kimber 8TC wire in a split HI/LO configuration. Stay tuned..
Interesting discussions guys, I have auditioned the Treo & Quattro (non-CT upgraded) and was not impressed. The same can be said for the Aeriel 7t and 6t models. Perhaps it was an improper set-up or an improper acoustically damped room, or both. These are not bad speakers per se, they are not outstanding, either. There is better money to be spent on better loudspeakers IMO. Keep me posted and Happy Listening!
Jafant. Give us some examples. Anyone can make the statement you just made....
That's the way !
Back in the day..thirty years ago I would have, could have just sent you home with a pair to play with for extended weekend....that is IMO part of the value a brick and mortar dlr can deliver....
Btw my old dog AQ type 6 is in a TRUE shotgun configuration also. :-)