I went through a similar search last year and ended up with an Yggdrasil+ LIM and have been very happy with the sound. Tried several other DACs including a friends’s Pontus II and a Gustard X26 Pro, but the Yggy LIM hit the sweet spot for me as I found the Pontus a little too rolled off and warm and the X26 Pro a little too soul-less even though slightly more resolving.
However, to the point regarding the streaming source, I have a Node 2i with the PD Creative power supply interface/Allo Shanti LPS which I thought was good as well…until I upgraded to a better streamer. I settled on an Auralic Aries G1.1 and use the AES output to the Yggy and it was a very noticeable positive change, almost more so than swapping DACs. For all those that praise the Node, it is great for the money but it really was the weakest link in my chain however YMMV.