McIntosh 2.1kw amplifier?

This thing is huge.

Does anybody own this?

Three chassis mono amplifier, seems kind of absurd. Maybe It sounds OK



If the power goes down, there's enough reserve power in those amps to jump start your John Deere tractor.  Just might save your life.


You are right I do post a lot because I too am a curious fella.

I would like to think my posts have merit and are informationally of value. There are some incredibly bright people on this forum with invaluable things to offer. I make every attempt to tap into this brain trust to expand my knowledge. The audio World is filled with complexity and to the extent a really bright person has the capability to communicate this to simpletons like myself it serves to make my day.


...from Chinese parts @ghasley 

I'm not sure what your agenda may or may not be but, other than the Compass and a few other not for the "North American market" Jeep branded vehicles, the US/North American parts content of the typical Jeep ranges from 60%-72%. That doesn't even address rest of world parts sourcing (ex China). You really should check your facts before disparaging a company, in the event you intended the China reference as such. Me? I'm a free trade individual, quality first.

This thread went off the rails a bit sooner than I had expected...always entertaining...informative at times...