Your Schiit DAC is not the weakest link in your chain.
As is the case with most systems, it appears to me the weak link is either the speakers or amplification.
Audiophiles like to focus on upgrading components such as DACs because they’re light and easy to swap. The reality though, is that they make far less a contribution to total performance.
That aside, if you search the second-hand sites and fleabay, you’ll notice there are always plenty of Qutests listed. There is good reason for that, there is nothing exceptional about its sound. In fact, its most noteworthy trait is how lean it sounds in the bass, even compared to inexpensive “Chi-Fi” DACs like the D90.
The RME would’ve been the best option on your list, largely because of its adjustability and parametric EQ. You can adjust the RME to make it sound similar to a great many other DACs. It can also compensate for weaknesses elsewhere in the chain.
Not to rain on your parade, I simply believe in being candid, it doesn’t help to tiptoe around the truth. But since you already ordered one, you’ll get to hear the difference (or lack thereof) for yourself. That is, if you level match the outputs and attempt to remain objective when A/Bing the Qutest against your current DAC. But if you don’t conduct the comparison, then yeah, chances are that well-machined brick of metal with the cool little sight glass is going to sound better.
Oh, and replacing your Node would be a mistake as well, since you already own an outboard DAC. Contrary to the crackpot consensus around this forum, the primary factor in choosing a stand-alone streamer should be its operating software, and rather unfortunately, Bluesound’s is already the best. The main problem is that most around here are like kids on Christmas morning when they receive a shiny new toy in the mail. Of course those same 1s and 0s are going to sound better when you approach “upgrades” in that frame of mind. Meanwhile, many of them own speakers that are distortion machines, or are not remotely capable of a linear response. That or their speakers are 12 inches from room boundaries. Silly.