Anyone bought a Gryphon Diablo 333?

Anyone expecting one soon or received theirs?

My biggest question is, does the Diablo 333 have a slightly dark, rich, bassy tone to it, like the Diablo 300 and the Antileon Evo? Or is it the more neutral “Essence” sound?





Thank you!

My system currently is a Lumin T2 (Shunyata Alpha NR V1) and Magico A3's.

I demo'd the Diablo 300 on Magico A3's when I first was putting together what would become my current system. That is the only reason I was comfortable ordering the 333 unheard. But it was a few years ago and I am convinced I won't be able to give a detailed A/B comparison, unfortunately.

@62truck , thanks and looking forward to your impressions, which possibly will be the first on Audiogon for the 333!  Might have started a competition now, lol…

Hmm i would be interested too in getting some impressions

I owned the diablo 300 before

now I own a krell 300 xd. The gryphon imo is was the more powerful amp.. and i enjoyed the sound. However, im a bit shocked to say I’m enjoying my Krell more. Its both sweeter and more detailed. That said i often think back at my time with the gryphon

i started looking at trading in for an i400, but gryphon says the 333 usesCircuit advancements and parts from the new Apex and Commander. VERY intriguing

the i400 is probably better, but the 333 is not only cheaper but can save me from buying a preamp

@62truck is your 333 any closer to you yet?  I’m impatient for you lol….

What country are you based in?  Just wondering when the 333’s are actually shipping in volume.  Seems some stores are getting them in finally.

@nyev Thanks for following up! Still haven’t received my 333 yet. It would appear they are trickling out but still not readily available. I am US-based. 

I will definitely post once I have a concrete idea on ETA. 

I’ve been reading up on cables to help distract myself from the wait time. :)