New streamer

I recently opened a discussion on upgrading my DAC. I started at the beginning of that discussion, that I was a vinyl guy, but with my purchase of the Chord Qutest, I realized that digital music can be outstanding and want to now upgrade my Node.

That will provide 2 benefits: Maximizing my current systems digital, and allow me to move the Node & Schiit Modi Multibit 2 to the family room, a small HT setup with a Yamaha AVR driving a Goldenear soundbar. Streaming there is currently MusicCast using the AVR DAC.  The improvement there should be very nice. 

My 2 channel equipment is as follows: 

Rogue RP-1 w/ NOS Brimar’s, LSA Warp 1, KEF R11’s, Rhythmic F12SE, Pro-ject 1Xpression w/Hana ML, Rega Aria, Bluesound Node w/Qubuz, Marantz CD6007, Chord Qutest. Good to very good power, speaker, interconnect cables.  
My weakest link (I believe) is now my Node. 
I don’t want or need amplification or volume control, ripping storage, nor an internal DAC. Sound signature should be neutral. 
My budget is $2,500, but willing to spend less. My current favorites are:

Lumin U2 mini. Very well reviewed, beautiful, perfect form factor, good app & controllable via my Harmony One remote. It is currently my #1 choice.

Auralic Aris. If new, the G1.1, if used G2.0 or 2.1. Very well reviewed, good app, OK form factor, but not controllable via harmony.  
Naim ND5 XS2. Considered the best high end streamer by What Hi Fi  Would need to buy used to stay close to budget.

EverSolo DMP-A6. Included based upon reviews, but may not be a serious contender. 
HiFi Rose RS250A. The streamer EverSolo seemed to copy  

Aurender. Don’t think they have anything within my budget, but included for discussion.

 LPS upgrade for Node. Included because I know it will come up. Plan to reuse my node downstairs, so out. Would prefer LPS upgrade for one of the above.  

Please let me know your thoughts and/or recommendations. Thanks!




First impressions Aurender N150:

I promised I would give my honest impressions of my new streamer. I will break it down into different aspects of my new N150, and compare it to my Node N130.

Unboxing: i was impressed with the significant weight of the N150, more like the weight of my preamp, particularly when compared with my Node. It is very well built. 
Design: The appearance of the Aurender is stunning. Pictures don’t do it justice. Easily my best looking component. While mine is silver & my other components are black, my existing components have enough silver accents, and N150 black accents to blend. The form factor of the N150 is perfect (for me).

App: Conductor is easy to use and intuitive. The translation was seamless. I was pleasantly surprised that Qobuz playlists created on BluOS were there and Conductor apps existed for both iPad’s & iPhone’s. 

Sound: I listened to Adele, Miles Davis, Cat Stevens & Diana Kroll. All were higher res Qobuz streaming. I would say my Node sounded very good. The N150 sounds great. Everything sounds a little better, soundstage, separation, clarity, crispness, & smoothness, through the frequencies. Bass clarity is outstanding. It is not as significant an improvement as my cartridge, tube or DAC upgrade, but a very nice improvement. You may be able to have similar results with LPS for the Node, not sure, but this complete package is IMHO worth the investment. I think my digital side is now as good or better than vinyl. Except for nostalgia, I may never listen to vinyl again. 
When it arrived, my wife said take a picture of your last audio upgrade. It is… I am set… for now. 😏

Thank you everyone for your outstanding guidance. 

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Awesome! Give it some time to settle. It should be on a different level than the node, LPS or not. 

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One more observation. Was listening to Nora Jones “come away with me” last night  The NODE presentation was very light and airy. The Aurender presentation was airy, but was fuller, more robust. I actually preferred the NODE presentation… although I suspect the Aurender was more accurate. 
Whereas, the more robust Aurender presentation of any Diana Kroll is much preferred, as the NODE presentation was a little weak, less engaging. Interesting.  
For those NODE users, it is indeed an excellent price/performer.