2011 Mac Mini - Is SSD worth it?

If I am using an external drive to store music files, what is the rationale behind upgrading the mini's internal hard drive to SSD?
My understanding is when using an app like Amarra, Pure Music, and Audirvana your music will be loaded into memory first, thus making the point of ssd moot (at least in regards to music playback).
This thread is a good reference,
SSD does not have mechanical parts that might fail but has one tiny reliability problem - limited number of write cycles. For that reason controller shuffles location of files to minimize number of writes to particular location. There are mostly read cycles in music server application and that is just perfect for SSD. Remember to never defragment SSD because it doesn't improve anything but uses a lot of writes.

Music is always loaded into memory since HD has no timing but perhaps certain programs put whole song into memory before playing. I don't know why this would be better but you might defeat timing problems altogether by using transfer that doesn't contain timing like wireless or Ethernet. My Airport Express is bit perfect and eliminates any need for programs other than Itunes, processor speed, memory size, HD type or interface, special power supplies, computer optimization etc. Just old Mac mini plugged into different outlet across the room. You can also use computer for other tasks and it won't change a thing. The only drawback of such setup is the fact that timing has to be recreated on the other side. Since some wireless receivers like AE produce some jitter (but not a lot) it would be even better to use reclocker or jitter suppressing DAC (that contains reclocker) like my Benchmark DAC1.