Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter

I'm diving into the PC audio arena and need a good interface between my PC and Esoteric D-03 DAC. I've looked at these and the Off Ramp by Emphiracle Audio.

Any suggestions on these?
I have owned the HiFace and the EVO and now have the Sonicweld Diverter HR on the way. I can say based on my own experience that the CA review was garbage. Without going into detail, note who advertises on that site, Wavelength and Ayre (which licenses Wavelengths USB microcode)... See a picture forming... The HiFace used with my Mac mini and super Bidat and MSB PowerDac was superb! When the EVO was substituted for the HiFace it got even better. I read that review (CA) and scoffed at the findings....pure hogwash!
Use M2Tech EVO to isolate Switching Mode Power Supply noise
from PC to Analog Power Supply of Tube Rectified/ Tube
Analog output Stage DAC. Tubes are highly suseptible to
PC SMPS. EVO does this in spades, as well as convert USB to AES/EBU Digital. Difficult to install EVO Drivers.
Blindjim-been concidering using J River Media Center. I
currently use Windows 7 OS with EVO. You said you had problems using the new M2Tech Drivers, especially utilizing
J River with Wasapi? Anyone else have similar problems with
EVO as well as hiface under same conditions?
Hi JWM, yes you are correct.., my unit was supposed to have been delivered. I received an email from Lee of Cryoparts last Saturday stating that he had been ill and that my shipment amongst others was delayed. It was supposed to go out by the end of last week. That did not happen. I received an email from Josh Heiner of Sonicweld (maker of the Diverter) asking me to give him a call yesterday. I am sorry to inform those reading this that Lee passed away this past Saturday due to complications with an illness. I'm sure that you all as I do wish his family the best during this very trying time. Josh is taking care of fulfilling all orders that were in the que to ship out.
I have both of them in my system right now. I own the Diverter HR and I've owned the Evo before (the current Evo is a loaner). I'm thinking of buying another Evo for one of my other systems. I use a heavy duty linear 12 volt ps for the Evo and it makes for a nice improvement.

The Evo sound really good with my Mac mini and pure music going into my MSB PowerDac. The Diverter is another plane of existence. The two units are simply not on the same playing ground sound-wise. Now having said all that I still think the Evo sounds really good. But when you play the same song on the Diverter back to back with the Evo you hear the roundness of the Diverter, the sheer amount of information retrieval is unbelievable and yet it still sounds more musical. This is hard to put into words.

The Evo at $2400.00 less cost has absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of, but that $2400.00 does buy you the best USB interface I've yet experienced and not by a little.

I may still pick up another Evo for one of my other systems as I mentioned earlier. Both units are highly recommended. Have not yet heard the Audiophileo.... Perhaps one day :)