wadia i170 meassured jitter level

does anyone know what the measured jitter level is on the wadia i170? I would like to know, i think the sony ps1 has less jitter and its at a high 737ps.
Elberoth, I am all for reading it, if I could get my hands on it. BUT, I have already done this myself so I have personal experience; I also have read numerous comments from others that mirror mine, published and on forums. If others are disapointed, so be it, I have been happily listening this afternoon!
Brianmgrarcom why do think company's like dcs and esoteric deal with the jitter befor the dac? They have outboard clocks to deal with jitter before the dac does? So just because you dac does a good job of reducing the jitter it cant be better than outboard clock. Empirical audio makes a outboard clock called the pace car 2. I think this could make the wadia a better transport.
USArmy, you are confused. These companies are just separating parts of a product, a CDP, into more separate pieces. (I don't mean this to sound trivial, no doubt these dedicated clocking devices can be wonderful, but the task is the same, it is most likely carried out to a much higher level in these (expensive) devices.)

Brianmgrarcom - I'm glad that you enjoy your Wadia. It doesn't change the fact, that if reclocked properly, Wadia would sound even better.