with an appropriate USB adapter cable, my old iphone 6s makes a pretty good streamer.
Sorry but no, it doesn’t. It sucks. I started that way with my iPhone6 and also thought it sounded pretty good through Qobuz, but when I graduated to a relatively modest iFi Zen streamer the difference was night and day and performance was on another level entirely. Doing various tweaks or whatever to the iPhone is just polishing the turd IMHO and is probably a waste of time for relatively little benefit. If you wanna use it in a second or third system for non-critical listening it’s good for that, but for any more serious listening it’s an absolute bottleneck to performance and don’t kid yourself into thinking it’s not. I think even adding something as simple and inexpensive as a Wiim Pro would be a considerable improvement over your iPhone. That was my experience anyway and hope this helps.