What is the best analog sounding CD player $2000

What is the best (analog) sounding player under $2000? How about under $1000? New or used OK. Straight out of the box - no mods.
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Tbg - no truer words said: Spot-on! Of my few good friends who are also audiophiles I don't think any of us have expectations of 100% agreement, and our tastes do vary. We all do have a great passion for music and somehow manage to have a great time together in spite of varying tastes. I'd hazard a guess that that is one of the reasons these forums exist.
the problem with the term "analog", is the variety of turntables, arms and cartridges.

unless there is a specific definition of "analog", there are many "analog" sounds.

i will suggest that the idea behind this thread is a cd player which is somewhat forgiving and capable of providing enjoyment over long periods of time with a range of recordings, some of which are less than pleasing.

one cd player comes to mind, namely, the audio note cd 2.
i own this player.
I truly appreciate everyones responses. I understand that there are several, if not hundreds of possible answers to my question. I am just looking for some possible replacement choices for my CDP so I can research and listen to these players when I am ready to upgrade. I am just in the beginning of my quest for the right sound.... so please be patient and keep sending me your much appreciated suggestions. Thanks
Synergy is also important - what are the other components in your system? In my system (Musical Fidelity amp, MS Performance 6 speakers) the closest I've heard to the "non-digital" sound has been through an Audio Note DAC (1.1X Signature). You could look at adding a different DAC to your existing player to achieve the sound you want and have the added flexibility of later being able to build this into a server based system.