Looking for a CDP from a company that'll be around

Strange post, no? Here's the deal: I am looking to replace my much loved Musical Fidelity CD-308 with a newer/ pre-owned CDP in the +- $2k range from a company that, according to your guesstimate, would be around in say, 5-6 years from now. Easily serviceable, should the need arise...excellent reliability record. I do use my equipment on average of 6-7 hours a day. Very heavy usage, as you can tell. No motivation or time to tinker around with repairs or maintenance issues. The last thing I'd want is to buy something and then to be left hanging dry, just as it happenned with the MF products. No chinese equipment or flavors of the month, please!
Associated equipment: CJ CA-200 control amp, Proac D-25, VD cables throughout
Best regards, and thanks for your advise!
Arthur Salvatore has placed the Krell standard mrk II just about at the top of his best Cd players list on his site AUDIO CRITIQUE.

have owned The Krell SACD Standard MKI and MKII. While the MKI was an excellent player for the money it was plaqued with transport problems. I purchased my MKI in June 05 and within 18 months it went back to Krell 2 or 3 times. Krell replaced it with a brand new MKII, free of charge, and restarted the 5 yr warranty!

The main difference between the two was a new/improved servo-drive. The change in the drive made a significant improvement producing a wider deeper (to die for) soundstage, deeper and tighter bass and crisp but silky smooth treble.

I have read about complaints of load time, but mine loads in 3 to 7 seconds. I have read about noisy transports, but in complete silence, I can't hear mine unless I am closer than 2 feet away. Finally, I have read about, reliability issues. I have my MKII for two years. I play it nearly every day from a couple of hours to (a more typical) several hours daily. That's 2,000 hours without a problem!!

Get yours before the word gets out!
Nah...MF isn't gone...it's just servicing them (especially, older models) is extremely problematic; I also happen to be in the camp of those who believe they don't make them like they used to. So, it's time to move on...