Transport Recommendations

Hi All: I am looking for recommendations for a CD transport under 2K. I prefer new. and am considering ProJect, Audiolab, Schitt, and Primare - your thoughts? Any brands I may be missing? Thanks!


The Alpha Audio (Dutch reviewer) recently did a shoot out of 7 or so transports, they have a video of the whole thing on their YouTube channel. There’s probably a written summary on their website too.   I like their reviews, very thorough and often using a panel of listeners, as in this case.

TMR wants $2044 when shipping costs are included and a 3-month warranty versus buying a brand new one with a 12-month warranty for $2498.  I don't know about you, but I am willing to shell out the extra $454 for a brand-new unit with better warranty.

@jetter makes a good point.  I actually assumed the CDT2 was discontinued when the CDT3 was introduced but that was incorrect — thanks jetter.  The only reputable place I found that sells it new is this one that’s linked through Jay’s website.

Although saving upwards of $500 isn’t insignificant, I tend to agree with jetter that in this case buying new might be money well spent.  Frankly, and although $2k does seem to be the going market value for a used CDT2, I’d think around $1500 is much more reasonable and has sold for that amount in the recent past.  Not sure why the discount for a used unit is so little these days.  Anyway…


The ET3 has I2s (HDMI) output, but doesNot do SACD for lack of license, but are working on it.  Here's a Darko review:



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+++++++1 for the Audiolab 6000CDT, at $600 it is an absolute steal.....I still own mine and have no immediate plans to replace, it's not a weak link in my system. I've had zero problems with mine, and it's used almost daily for 2 years

++++++1 for the Jay's Audio CDT2 MKIII, best transport I've ever heard in my system, and what I will buy whenever I upgrade