Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...

I thought you may find this interesting…or not.  I know, another "cable post".  Disclaimer up front — I am a believer that cables can make a difference in the sound that you hear from your system.  With my speakers, like most high(er) efficiency speakers, I can hear large and small changes made to the system components — and cables are part of that system.

What I want to share is an exercise that I went through with my better half in setting up her recording equipment that she will be using to record audio books.  The hardware part of the system is simple:  Audio Technica Cardioid Condenser Microphone AT2035 connected with a XLR cable to the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 preamp.

We started with the XLR cable that came with the microphone and recorded the short introduction of the book she has been contracted to record.  Then she recorded the same section using each of the our XLR cables I have on hand:  Vovox Excelsus, Mogami 2549, Gotham GAC-3, and Grimm TPR. Each of the cables have the same Neutrik connector and are very good studio cables that I have used in my system at one time.

Listening through headphones via the Scarlett 2i2, it was super easy to hear distinct differences in these cables.  The differences were not small and very apparent.  In the end, the Mogami cable was the winner — it seemed more open and warmer than the other cables and suited the tone of her voice the best. I have heard similar differences from these cables in my stereo system but not to the significant degree borne out by this exercise. 

To keep going, today I replaced the $10 USB C to C cable that I bought as an “upgrade” from the Scarlett 2i2 to a MacBook Air with a $70 Audioquest Forest cable. We were more than surprised that with the AQ cable in the system the drop of the noise floor was very significant and the blackness of background made the sound even more crystal clear.

The purpose of this post is not to promote or compares cables, just a public service posting for those of you who do not believe cables make a difference.  They really do affect how your system sounds (positive or negative) and if you cannot hear a difference then maybe looking at the transparency of your system is a place you should examine.

Imagine peace everyone.


I also hear differences in cables, and I only have one instance where try as I might I could discern no difference between two cables. Specifically it was between the Acoustic Zen Satori and the Audience AU24 speaker cables, and this was the only time over many years of swapping cables, interconnects, etc. that this happened. Now, if I was able to hear and accept when there was no difference between two cables, does it sound reasonable that in all the other cases where I actually heard differences that I was just kidding myself and making it up? Like @audphile1 says, “you can’t change their minds” and I pretty much agree but hope my experience may resonate with someone somewhere.

This thread is pure catnip for the flat earthers. Wait for it…

@soix funny story man! As it happens, somewhere around mid 2000s I had my B&W N803 hanging off a set of Satori sp cables. I had an opportunity to try Audience AU24 (the original).  I really liked them but compared to Satori they were slightly more reserved especially in area of dynamics and bass. So I didn’t get them. But I do remember liking them a lot. Fast forward to now…I have a set of AU24SX feeding my speakers 😂

And yes, I was a cable skeptic as well. But once my system reached a certain level, the differences in cables became apparent. I remember trying out a VH Audio Flavor 4 or something like that. And it was the first time I heard a difference with a power cord

The right cables and cords designed with SQ in your wheelhouse and matched to your system can be transformative.  Read reviews but most important audition and burn in before final judgement.  Let your ears decide which brand is best.  I am sure you find as I did cables and cords are as important as any other piece of kit.