Ayon CD-2 sonics? thoughts? opinions?

I heard Ayon released the CD-2 at CES .
It's previously only been available in Europe.

Anyone hear it ? see it?
thoughts or opinions welcomed
Donpark1439 - Ayon was using Gabriel Gold Cables, Echole Cables & Clarity Cables. I listened to the different systems using the different cables and they all sounded excellent.
thanks i already have a a pair of Gabriel Golds and they sound awesome with my cd-1 good to know they'll mate well if i go with an all ayon system.have you heard the cd-1 if so in your opinion how does the cd-2 compare.you can e-mail me directly if you are more comfortable sharing your opinion
The Ayon CD-1 and the Raysonic CD-128 share many cosmetic similarities externally.I'm using a modded Raysonic CD 128 L-2 with Dexa D clock.
The mods were done by Chris Johnson(Sonic Frontiers)and the unit was purchased from Walter(Underwoodwally)
I found the Raysonic CD 128 performance to be near that of the Ayon CD-1.
I initially wanted to go with the Ayon but it was just out of my budget at the time.
I've had both units in my system and internally they are quite different yet sonically they share a lot of the same qualities.
I am very pleased with the modded CD 128,however,if they were priced the same I'd give a slight edge to the Ayon.
FWIW-I am also using Gabriel Gold cables between my Raysonic and LSA Signature
I have the 168 and my friend has the 128. We compared the two and liked the 128 without the upsampling. In this mode it sounded similar to the 168. I think the 168 sounds better, it is more dynamic. I wonder if moding the 168 would improve it. What changes do you hear in your modded unit.
jwm to be honest I have never heard a stock 128 or 168.I wanted to go with the Ayon at first but had the budget restriction.
I read some reviews on the modded Raysonics called Walter and he advised me to go with the fully modded 128 and I was impressed from first listen.
A friend let me borrow his CD-1 which had stock tubes in at the time and it was certainly impressive.It did not have the option of upsampling on/off and I agree I prefer the sound of the 128 with upsampling off.
The CD 128 also uses four 6922 tubes instead of a mix of 6H30 and 6922 tubes which made it easier for me to tweak.
as I have a nice selection of nos 6922 tubes to choose from.For me the modded 128 was the best choice.
Another member in this thread said that the Ayon CD-2 will have the option of defeating the upsampling which is good but it will use four Russian 6H30 tubes and nos 6H30 tubes which I have heard to be better cost a nice piece of change.